Nov 2024: A New Chapter of Giving
When I started Patriot Shave, my mission was to to build an enduring business selling premium quality razors at affordable prices to "Traditional Values Americans", while also giving back to the hard working Men and Women who help make America great. I also told myself that Patriot Shave would never call itself a "success" unless we earned the ongoing business of our customers and we also found a way to positively impact the lives of our fellow Americans in need.
While we endure (almost 3 years in!), there is still much work to be done.
Are we really making a difference?
After two years and thousands of dollars given to causes, organizations and individuals through our "1% for Patriots" initiative, Patriot Shave's first charitable program was advancing. But were we making a difference? Deep down - being perfectly honest with myself - the "1% for Patriots" program still felt a bit hollow.
We sought a deeper purpose for our giving.
There are literally thousands of amazing charities out there -- most doing amazing work, others not so much. Without a more specific focus for our charitable program, I found it increasingly hard to answer a simple question:
"Who do we give to, what do we give, and why?"
After much prayer and reflection on this question, it has become clear: Patriot Shave's charitable mission should align with what we know best and love the most: our products and our values.
Thus it is with optimism and hope that I announce Patriot Shave's new initiative:
For every Patriot Shave razor that is purchased, Patriot Shave will donate a razor to an individual in need.
We will do this by donating razors to organizations that are helping Americans in need, right here in America. In staying true to our values and close to causes that matter most to us, I envision a particular focus on Christian faith-based organizations that support military/veterans/first responders (homeless or otherwise), pro-life pregnancy centers, and church groups or similar organizations that are counseling and supporting confused youth and adults who are caught up in the Transgender movement and who need help.
In supporting these types of organizations, we support our values.
Organizations like these regularly give out clothing, hygiene products and toiletries to help support those who come to them in need. A fresh t-shirt, a pair of socks, a bar of soap, a shaving razor: these are all basic items that most of us take for granted when we walk into our bathrooms every morning. But if you have little to your name -- or lack confidence in your basic human identity -- such items can make a big difference in your life.
We believe that the simple human dignity of being able to take a hot shower and be clean shaven can make a difference in someone's life. Of course not everyone wants to shave, but many do. Think for example of the single, pregnant mom who chooses the Christian pregnancy support center for help rather than going to Planned Parenthood. Or the down-on-his-luck veteran trying to find gainful employment. For some people, little things can help make a difference.
In situations like these, the dignity of a shave might give a bit more confidence, a bit more hope, a bit more Faith -- to those trying to find their way through difficult circumstances.
We want to help give Hope and Faith to those who need it most, by donating the products we know best.
Let me also say how this program will not work: We will NOT be donating to FEMA, "Big Charity XYZ" or other "charitable" NGOs that have a curious hunger for the charity of "taxpayer dollars" but seem paralyzed by bureaucracy, overloaded with highly-compensated executives, understaffed with actual "do-ers", and/or that are focused on supporting NON-Americans in America.
So many of our fellow countrymen and countrywomen are hurting in our own back yard -- let's help Americans First.
If you've come this far, thank you for reading. I believe this initiative can have great impact through the sum of many small actions. The intention is set, and now we put it into action.
All of us at Patriot Shave are grateful for the opportunity to earn your business each and every shave, while also contributing to something bigger than ourselves in the name of our country and of traditional values. Your ongoing support, prayers and encouragement is always appreciated.
For Freedom,
Founder & CEO, Patriot Shave
Faith. Family. Freedom. Tradition.