Finally, a Non-Woke Razor Company

For the Hard Working Men and Women who Believe in the Traditional Values that Make America Great. 

Shop Freedom Razors Now >
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2,100+ Verified 5-Star Reviews

"Incredible pricing, outstanding quality, and a wonderful feeling of knowing this brand doesn’t hate me for what I believe, what I look like, or who I am." - Sean, St. Louis, Missouri

Go Woke, Go Broke

Landing Page - Woke Values.png__PID:93925ed7-afe5-47de-a1a4-36ba1734802bShop Freedom Razors Now >

"My current razor brand does not align with my values."

We get it.  They don't align with ours, either.  That's why were here to offer an alternate choice.

At Patriot Shave, we believe in Faith, Family, Freedom & Tradition.  You know, those "Outdated Traditional Values" that are under attack right now.

We won't ever apologize for what we believe in:  We are here to do business with Patriotic, Traditional Americans who love Traditional America.

Shop Freedom Razors Now >

"Vote with Your Wallet"

It is now easy to help make a difference and support YOUR values.

It matters now, more than ever.

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You now have a Patriotic alternative

You can stop giving your hard earned $$$ to companies that don't share your values.

You can stop giving your hard earned $$$ to companies that support causes that you strongly disagree with.

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Quality razors at affordable prices.

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2,100+ Verified 5-Star Reviews

"Super Quality"

"I love the razors, love the shave, love the company, and LOVE that they are NOT woke. Always crazy fast shipping. I’m a customer for life!!"
-Jerry, Minnesota


Customer Service That Actually Cares

Call us "old school" but we operate under the premise that the customer is always right. WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK!

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Fast, FREE Shipping

99% of our orders ship within one business day (most same day).


We say NO to Big Tech

Advertising dollars we've given to the Big Tech Censorship Complex: $0. Yes, ZERO.


We Support Traditional Values

We believe Traditional Values Matter, they are under attack, and they need defended - now more than ever.

Shop Freedom Razors Now >

Freedom Forged Razor Starter Kit

Freedom Forged Razor Starter Kit
Freedom Forged Razor Starter Kit
Freedom Forged Razor Starter Kit
Freedom Forged Razor Starter Kit
Freedom Forged Razor Starter Kit
Lady Freedom Razor Starter Kit
Lady Freedom Razor Starter Kit
Lady Freedom Razor Starter Kit
Lady Freedom Razor Starter Kit
Lady Freedom Razor Starter Kit
Lady Freedom Razor Starter Kit
Lady Freedom Razor Starter Kit
Lady Freedom Razor Starter Kit

Razors, Shave Cream, Bar Soap, Deodorant and More - TRY US TODAY!